The Troop provides all rank and merit badges as part of his annual dues payments. When a Scout advances in rank, it is announced before the end of the Troop meeting (this is the effective date) however, he is formally acknowledged and receives his new rank patch at the next Court of Honor. Traditionally we have four Court of Honor ceremonies per year. Merit Badges are handed out at Courts of Honor only, although the “blue card” that indicate his finishing a merit badge is handed out at a subsequent Troop meeting.

All service hours, nights camping, miles hiked, advancement dates, and miscellaneous events are recorded by the Advancement Chair for the Troop, and it is recorded into the Scoutbook program. (Parents have access to view only their own son’s records via Scoutbook.)

Service hour participation predominates the higher ranks (First Class and above). However, Second Class requirement # 4 requires “Participate in an approved (minimum of one hour) service project”. Service projects are also counted as Troop “events,” which many newer Scouts need for advancement . Excess service hours worked for a specific rank do not carry forward to the next rank.

One common question about whether service projects “count” or not is the question of “double-dipping.” Sometimes schools, clubs, churches or other groups require a certain number of service hours. Our Troop’s rule is that if you’ve received credit for your service hours from a different institution, then you cannot count it again (“double-dipping”) for Scouts.

Whether it “counts” or not, participation in service projects is a large part of a boy’s demonstration of living the Scout Oath and Law, and is strongly encouraged.

Please refer to page 187 of the Boy Scout Handbook. It specifically instructs the Scout to “Obtain from your Scoutmaster a signed merit badge application (the famous “blue card”) and the name of a qualified counselor for that merit badge.” Also, our Troop policy guide states that a Scout’s parent* can only serve as a counselor for their own child if no other counselor is signed up for that particular merit badge, or if the Badge is being worked on in a group setting.

The Scout does! Although the Troop Advancement Chair keeps advancement records once advancements are completed, a large part of the Scouting experience is for the Scouts to learn responsibility for their own advancement. The Scout Handbook should be taken on almost all Scouting events, and the Scout should be aware of what requirements are outstanding.

Anytime a Scout has finished with the requirements for the next rank, these two items are required. They are the Boy Scout’s method of checks and balances.

  1. The Scout meets one-on-one with either the Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scoutmaster, usually at a Troop meeting or a campout. They will review progress documented in the Scout’s handbook to ensure that the handbook is signed off properly and will review with the Scout many of the requirements completed. The Scoutmaster (or Assistant) will also talk about the requirement which speaks to living the Scout Oath and Law in his everyday life. If the Scoutmaster feels that the Scout is ready for this advancement, he will let the Committee know to schedule a Board of Review.
  2. The Board of Review also usually takes place during a Troop meeting. The Board is made up of 3-5 Troop Committee members, who will spend 20-30 minutes with the Scout discussing the things done to earn this advancement, as well as the Scout’s general feelings about the Troop, the program, his goals, etc. This check and balance system allows for the Scouts to be able to openly discuss issues with people they can trust, as well as to be sure that the Scout is truly deserving of advancement and not watering down the program. Both of these events should be carefully prepared for, and a complete Class A uniform must be worn.

Parents* are not allowed to sit in on a Scoutmaster Conference or a Board of Review. However, the parent* may sit within sight of these meetings.

Parents* can help in many ways. We always have positions open for Assistant Scoutmasters and Committee Members. Parents* can also help by remembering that we are a “Boy-Led Troop”, and letting their Scout fulfill his requirements on their own is an important part of the growing experience. Certainly, parents* can help by encouraging their Scout to fulfill his responsibilities, with rank requirements, merit badge work, and a Position of Responsibility.

Well, yes and no. We would encourage your Scout to make that phone call. Everything is a learning experience, even this simple act. He should contact his Patrol Leader.

Your Scout’s first and most important leader is his Patrol Leader. If there is no satisfaction at the Patrol Leader level, then Senior Patrol Leader should be involved. If no satisfaction is found within the youth leadership, the issue should be escalated to either the Scoutmaster or one of his assistants. The final escalation point is the Troop Committee. This same escalation process when disciplinary action needs to be involved. We always try to have the youth leaders handle their own issues, if possible.

If any issue ever involves conduct that endangers personal safety, the process skips directly to the adult leaders.

Our Troop Web site ( has an up-to-date calendar and lists of upcoming Troop events. If you’re still not sure, check with your Scout, and if he is unsure, you may contact the SPL, or a Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scoutmaster. The dates on the website calendar are pulled from the Scoutbook calendar.

  • Class A: Scout pants and belt, Scout socks, tan Scout shirt, Scout scarf and slide.
  • Class B: Scout pants and belt, Scout socks, and the red Troop 565 t-shirt
  • Class C: Appropriate pants/short, and the red Troop 565 t-shirt
  • Class D: Any appropriate pants and shirt.

Part A & B medical record is filled out annually by anyone participating in Boy Scout events (e.g. Day camp, overnight camping, and other programs not exceeding 72 hours in length). This form is filled out by the Scout’s parent*, or an adult participating in the Boy Scout activity. A parent’s* signature is required to complete this form (adults can sign for themselves). This form is extremely important as it authorizes medical treatment in an emergency situation. In accordance with BSA policy, every effort will be made to contact a parent* or guardian in before emergency treatment begins, however, it is vital that we have a medical release on file should we be unable to make contact.

Part C medical record is good for 12 months and is required for all participants in activities such as backpacking, tour camping, or recreational sports involving events lasting longer than 72 consecutive hours (e.g. regular Summer Camp). A physical medical evaluation by a licensed health care provider (a physician or other provider authorized by the state to give physical exams) is required, and the examiner’s signature must be on the form.

Additional medical records are required for all Scouts participating in high-adventure activities (such as Sea Base, Philmont, Fifty-Miler events, and Canyoneering), athletic competition, and world jamborees. Also, it is required for all adults over 40 participating in events lasting longer than 72 hours.

No, the Troop provides tents for all camping and backpacking events. For camping, the Troop has a fully-stocked trailer with all the cooking and cleaning equipment required.

For backpacking, the Troop provides the tents, but the cooking and eating gear is the responsibility of each Scout. The general rule in backpacking is “if you want it, you carry it”.

No, but a Scout may only carry a maximum of ¼ of his body weight. If he can’t carry what he needs, he should not be going backpacking. A general rule of thumb is that the Scout needs to be at least 100 pounds to go backpacking.

St. Timothy Catholic Church, 1730 W Guadalupe Rd. Mesa, AZ 85202

We are in the Lost Dutchman District of the Grand Canyon Council (GCC)

BSA and Grand Canyon Council dues change each year. They currently total $125 per Scout. There is also a one-time joining fee of $25.00 charged by BSA. An additional $12 is collected if your Scout is interested in a subscription to the BSA publication “Boys Life” magazine. The Troop annual fee is currently $60.00. Activities fees are collected per Scout to cover the cost of the activity.

This is a meeting for just the members of each Patrol. The Patrol Leader of your Scout’s Patrol should contact him regarding meeting specifics. Patrol meetings are usually held at the beginning of every troop meeting, attendance, announcements and planning for upcoming outings take place at these meetings.

* For clarity, the word “parent” would include natural mother and/or father, step-parent, grandparent, or legal guardian.

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